Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reverb10 - December 21st Prompt - Winter Solstice

The heading for today's Reverb10 Prompt says "Future Self".
Here is the writing assignment:

"Imagine yourself five years from now. What advice would you give your current self for the year ahead? (Bonus: Write a note to yourself 10 years ago. What would you tell your younger self?) (Author: Jenny Blake)"

Why did I change the title for my blog post today?  Winter Solstice is what Reverb10 is all about.  I do this every year; reflect on the past, review long-term goals and personal values, and plan the short-term year ahead. My experience tells me that if a resolution is made on New Years Day, will it be broken immediately.

Life circumstances change rapidly.  Rapid change could be the theme of my life.  Even more in the next five years, I think.

I am among the first year Baby Boomers. We turn 65 in 2011.
It's Medicare time, but politicians may repeal the new Health Care Bill.  Add uncertainty to what I expect in the next five years.

The quickest way to solve the Social Security and Medicare problem is to kill us all off.  Take away our ticket in the door to every medical facility, not to mention the imposition of extreme increases in out of pocket co-payments for those of us who manage to get supplemental coverage.

Sixty years ago, men were physically worn out by age 65.  Life expectancy was only 73 for a male, as I recall.  Ten years ago, my wife and I made a financial plan, and we made an early retirement decision based on investments and projected income.  We would never run out of money if we lived to be 90.  We are among the lucky who did not have a mortgage.  We own our home. There will be no foreclosure in our future. 

Ten years ago, I had already lost a significant amount in the stock market when the tech bubble burst.  I didn't learn my lesson. I lost twice since that time.  Blame the politicians again, and corruption in business, hedge funds in particular.  I didn't invest in hedge funds, but the market was manipulated in away that normal investment reasoning couldn't anticipate.  My investment advice to myself, keep it simple. Buy low, sell high.  Ignore the talking heads on CNBC.

A year from now Worldshift 2012 will have happened.  Right about now at the Winter Solstice, according to some doomsdayers. I see Worldshift 2012 as a positive outlook. I think it's a plan that will take us to 2021.  I'm an idealist. I plan to be healthy and happy five years from now.

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