Monday, December 27, 2010

Reverb10 Prompt - December 27 - A Moment of Joy

In September I posted on Facebook a photo album of the Amery Fall Festival.  The birthplace of both my parents was on farms withing five miles of Amery, Wisconsin.  Many of my cousins were present for the annual festival. I hadn't been there recently.  After the festival, many more of us gathered at my cousin's farm near Balsam Lake, about ten miles north, for a reunion.  The reunion may become an annual event. We're all getting old.

The moment was at the food fair after the parade. Thousands swarmed the stands; churches, small town community clubs offered their best.  Besides the sight and the aromas, I saw a wide community that had revived.  It wasn't that great ten years ago.

The Reverb10 assignment:

December 27 – Ordinary Joy
Our most profound joy is often experienced during ordinary moments. What was one of your most joyful ordinary moments this year?

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